For many around the United States, Thanksgiving Day has turned into the unofficial ‘Black Friday Eve’. Once the turkey and all the fixings are consumed, millions head out to popular stores in search of the best retail deals possible. For some, this literally includes camping out as a means to get first dibs on discounted items.
We’ve identified four stores in particular offering some of the best Black Friday deals anywhere. In addition, these four chains are diverse in terms of the inventory made available. One could do very well when making a trip to any of these locations:
Best Buy
Best Buy is the in-store king when it comes to electronics. People line up for hours and hours in anticipation of purchasing a brand new television at a fraction of the cost it would normally be. In addition, customers have been able to nab DVDs, Blu-Ray players, speakers, laptops, tablets, headphones, smartphones, desktop monitors, video games, and full entertainment centers. By going online to the Best Buy official website, prospective customers will be able to access potential discount deals as well as a full listing of items made available for the event.
Walmart is a king when it comes to Black Friday shopping. This famous chain holds virtually any item one could ever want. Electronics will be listed at discounted prices — as will clothing, furniture, home decor, clothing, food, toys, fitness equipment, and outdoor equipment. Similar to Best Buy, a plethora of ads and deals will be showcased on Walmart’s official website.
Target is essentially a smaller version of Walmart. All the same, it’s one of the most popular places for Black Friday shoppers to frequent. Target has a lofty reputation for offering quality items at very good prices. Electronics and clothing are two of its headlining acts — though customers can also enjoy a wide range of beauty products, children’s toys/video games, gaming systems, and holiday items pertaining to the likes of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. In the weeks leading up to Black Friday, one can go onto the Target website, and subscribe (using one’s email) for up-to-the-minute deals/updates.
Kohl’s is a great option for those operating with somewhat of a budget. Very similar to target, the retail store offers plenty of options and choices — particularly in the realm of clothing. For those wanting a mixture of casual and dressy attire, Kohl’s does a tremendous job in offering a diverse inventory of fashionable brands. Just like the aforementioned trio, Kohl’s will have a number of notable discounts/ads available on its website leading up to the actual day.
Image Source: Awarness Days