For millions across the world, addiction can be a serious issue. Battles with alcohol, drugs, and all sorts of substances not only impact the user, but also those around them. A clear sense of reality can be distorted. Additionally, destructive behavior can fester at rather dangerous levels.
Though it’s easy to immediately use the “put them in rehab” card, things aren’t always this conventional. Rehabilitation facilities can be highly expensive — particularly for those coming from lower income situations. Both in-patient and out-patient programs can cost thousands of dollars a month. These exorbitant prices have prevented many from adequately getting help (even if these people are actively seeking assistance).
Fortunately, there are a number of state funded rehabilitation options. As this piece will detail, the government provides the following to those who have modest means.
A Primer
A state-funded rehabilitation center is defined as an affordable treatment option for those who are beset by drug and/or alcohol addiction. Each state is given a certain amount of money to help their residents. This accounts for detox treatments, therapy sessions, post-treatment activity, in-patient programs, out-patient programs, and 12-step programs.
How Does It All Work?
Interested parties must seek out centers on a list of state-approved locations. Once a desired location is selected, the person must contact this center as a means to garner more information on the process. Even if one has inadequate/no insurance, they still may qualify for help. A one-on-one consultation will then occur to ascertain the specific situation.
SAMHSA (The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) offers a filtration system from which anyone can access the locations of these state-ran treatment centers. While some of these centers do have waiting lists, SAMHSA does its best to account for all who are in need of help.
Do You Qualify?
Upon speaking with a representative, one will soon know whether they indeed qualify for the state-funded treatment option. Many of the sticking points in terms of qualifying for help include income level, the actual location of primary residence, and also the level of one’s addiction. All of these are contributing factors on whether one’s case will be strengthened or weakened.
Image Source: Addiction No More